Wireless module for the wireless connection of Dual Q smoke alarm devices.
Downwards-compatible, therefore it can also be used for smoke alarm device Dual/VdS.
Technical data
Wireless frequency:
433.42 MHz
Range (free field):
approx. 100 m
Power supply:
from the battery of the wireless module
CR 2/3 AA lithium
3 V
UN no.:
If one smoke alarm device detects a fire, all the assigned smoke alarm devices sound the alarm.
The wireless module is plugged into the interface of the Dual smoke alarm device. The networking terminals of the smoke alarm device can continue to be used when the module is attached. This allows combined lines to be set up (wired or via radio).
Due to the compatibility with the wireless bus system, alarm messages can be used to actuate the wireless actuators. This can be used to switch the light or raise the blinds, for example, in the event of an alarm.
A wireless hand-held or wall transmitter can be used to mute the smoke alarm device after it has sounded the alarm for approx. 10 min. If another smoke alarm device in the network triggers the alarm during this period, e.g. via the 2-wire line or wirelessly, the smoke alarm device will sound the alarm despite being muted.
From index levelI02or higher, the wireless module for the Dual smoke alarm device is compatible with the wireless diagnostic tool(2333 00).
The battery cannotbe sourced from Gira as a spare part.
Scope of supply
The battery is included in the scope of delivery.
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